Refurbly Magazine
In our blog you can explore sustainability tips, maximize your mobile's potential, follow our latest news and get involved in environmental issues that affect us all.
Therefore, it is both smart and safe to buy a refurbished mobile phone for your child
Is it time to get the child's first mobile phone? Giving your child a mobile phone largely means a certain...
This is how you succeed with your savings over time: Tips from Sparmakarna
Guest post by The savers : Find your why with personal finance For us, the meaning of money is a way...
Avoid high electricity costs at home: 11 tips that lower your electricity bill today
Tips to lower your electricity bill this winter Today, it is more relevant than ever to try to save on...
Phone insurance: Is it needed when you have home insurance?
Is it worth getting mobile phone insurance when buying a used mobile phone? Or do you get enough protection from...
Changing mobile operators is easier than you think
Many of us go around with the same old mobile operator. Not because we are super happy with our carrier...
How to clean the charging port of a mobile phone
Does your mobile phone not charge when you plug it in? Then it's probably because your charging port is full...
How to Clean Your Phone Safely (5 Easy Steps)
Are you worried about how to clean your phone and other technology to keep them as germ-free as possible? Here...
We want to stop wear and tear with phones - Article on Breakit
Article about Refurbly in Breakit: Former Teliatoppen invests in recycled mobile phones: "Here we have a company with a future...