Insurance Policy Terms

Refurbly Care by Omocom

The insurance is a voluntary group insurance that covers the purchase of property according to the insurance conditions below. As group representative, Omocom has entered into a group agreement with the insurer WR Berkley Insurance AG, Swedish Branch, hereinafter referred to as Berkley. Through the group agreement, all Refurbly's customers are group members and can choose to take out insurance according to these insurance conditions.

1. Who the insurance applies to

The insurance applies to the insured who buys property that is stated on the insurance notice.

2. When the insurance applies

The insurance applies to damage that occurs during the time the insurance is in force (the insurance period). The insurance is valid for 1 year if the premium is paid.

2.2 Renewal of the insurance contract

The insurance can be renewed for another 1 year.

3. Where the insurance applies

The insurance applies to damage, theft or loss that occurs within any Nordic country.

4. Insurance amount

4.1 Compensation Levels

When purchasing property, the insurance provides at most compensation up to the market value of the property before the damage occurred.

Maximum compensation is provided up to a maximum of SEK 20,000.

5. Deductible

The deductible is SEK 299 for each claim.

6. What the insurance applies to

The insurance covers mobile phones and accessories that come in the packaging from Refurbly.

6.1 All-risk insurance

Compensation is provided for all-risk damage according to what is stated in point 4.1. All risk damage means sudden and unforeseen damage to or loss as well as theft of property.

6.2 Deductible elimination

In cases where damage, loss or theft is covered by other insurance coverage, the insurance provides compensation for the deducted deductible from the insured's regular insurance, up to the maximum level of compensation according to 4.1.

7. What the insurance does not cover

7.1 War, terrorism or riots

Compensation is not provided for damage the occurrence or extent of which is directly or indirectly caused by or is in connection with war, war-like event, civil war, revolution, rebellion, riot, terrorism, sabotage or action by those in power who have taken power without authorization.

7.2 Causing Damage

The insurance does not apply if the insured has caused the damage intentionally or through gross negligence. The same applies if they must otherwise be assumed to have acted or failed to act in the knowledge that this entailed a significant risk of the damage occurring.

7.3 Scratches and wear

Compensation is not provided for damage consisting of minor scratches or normal wear and tear if this does not affect the usability of the property.

7.4 Fraud, embezzlement or similar property crimes

Compensation is not provided for damage caused by fraud, embezzlement or similar property crimes.

7.5 Force majeure

The insurer is not responsible for loss that may occur if the investigation of claims, the payment of compensation or the restoration of damaged property is delayed due to

• war, war-like event, civil war, revolution, rebellion or riot
• labor market conflict
• confiscation or nationalization
• requisition, destruction of or damage to property by order of government or authority.

The reservation regarding labor market conflict also applies if the insurer has taken or is subject to conflict measures.

7.6 Supplier warranty

The insurance does not apply to defects in objects for which the supplier or others are responsible according to warranty, similar undertaking or presumptive liability according to law. However, the insurance applies if the insured can show that the person responsible disputes fulfilling the responsibility or is unable to fulfill the responsibility.

7.7 Excluded Property

The insurance does not cover already known damage to property, regardless of whether the damage is visible or not.

8. Notification of damage

Insurance cases must be reported to Omocom as soon as the insured becomes aware of an injury. The report is made via the claims form attached when purchasing the insurance or directly to Omocom. For questions, contact 08 520 278 70, visit our website or contact us via e-mail

In the event of damage, the insured must submit:
• Completed claim report,
• copy of police report in case of theft or other crime,
• receipt for reacquired or repaired property,
• copy of compensation statement from the insurer for ordinary insurance.

8.1 Participation in claims settlement

You must contribute to the greatest extent possible to ensure that the damage event can be resolved as soon as possible. In particular, you must provide information and data that may be important for the claims settlement. In particular, you must answer the questions that the claims adjuster asks. If the insurer suffers damage as a result of your failure to participate, your compensation will be reduced according to what can be considered reasonable under the circumstances.

8.2 How the damage is regulated

Once you have reported the damage to us, we will decide how the damage is to be compensated. Compensation can take place through repair, re-acquisition or gift cards at Refurbly. Contact Refurbly for information on returning the product. We always have the right to take over property that we have replaced. We are responsible for the cost of damage after any age deduction.

8.3 Incorrect information in connection with damage

If the insured or someone else who requests compensation after an injury has intentionally or through gross negligence incorrectly stated, concealed or hidden something of importance for the assessment of the right to compensation according to this insurance, the compensation may be reduced or not be paid at all.

9. Damage assessment rules

Omocom has the right to decide whether the product should be repaired, replaced with new property or with a gift card. Repair or replacement with new property or replacement with gift cards must be done via Refurbly's service workshop.

You yourself, as the owner of the property, must, with our consent, order repairs and approve or complain about the work carried out. The insurer takes ownership of all lost property that we replaced.

9.1 Depreciation method

Damage or loss to property according to what appears in point 4.1 is valued at the cost of restoration based on the property's current value. By current value is meant the property's market value at a certain time.

Depreciation is always limited to a maximum of 80% of the new acquisition value.

10. Prescription period

Anyone who wants insurance compensation or other insurance coverage must file a lawsuit within ten years from the time the damage was discovered. Otherwise, the right to compensation is lost.

If the person who wants insurance cover has submitted the claim to the insurance company within the time specified in the first paragraph, the deadline for filing a lawsuit is always at least six months from when the company has declared that it has taken a final position on the claim.

11. Right of recourse

As the insurer has paid compensation for damage, the insurer takes over the insured's right to demand compensation from the person who owes compensation to the insured due to the damage.

12. Dispute

Disputes regarding the interpretation and application of this insurance agreement shall be tried by a Swedish court applying Swedish law.

13. Insurer

The insurer is WR Berkley Insurance AG, Swedish branch, through Omocom, which is an affiliated insurance broker.

14. The Insurance Contracts Act

The provisions of the Insurance Contracts Act (SFS 2005:104) otherwise apply to this insurance.

15. Personal data

Personal data is handled both by Omocom and by Berkley, in accordance with the information on the processing of personal data that each company leaves on its website (see, and Contact us if you want the information sent to you.

16. If we don't agree

Review of your case

If you are not satisfied with the decision in a case, you can always have the decision reconsidered either by contacting Omocom to clear up a possible misunderstanding, or by writing to the complaints officer at the insurer (Berkley), stating the case and asking for a reconsideration. Omocom can be reached on phone number: 08 520 278 70, e-mail address:

The General Complaints Board (ARN)

If you have had your case reviewed and are still not satisfied, you have the option of turning to the General Complaints Board, which examines complaints from private individuals free of charge.
ARN's postal address is ARN, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm, telephone number: 08-508 860 00, website:, e-mail address:

Consumers' Insurance Agency

Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå gives private individuals independent and free guidance on pensions, insurance and claims settlement, but does not try disputes. Postal address of the Consumer Insurance Agency: Box 24215, 104 51 Stockholm,
visiting address: Karlavägen 108, Stockholm, phone no: 0200-22 58 00, website:, e-mail via web form.

General Court

In most cases, an insurance dispute can also be tried by a general court.

17. Glossary definitions

Voluntary group insurance - an insurance that the person who belongs to a special group has the right to join by notification/application.

Policyholder - the person who has entered into an insurance contract with the insurer.

Insurance agreement - the agreement that applies to each insurance and which includes the application for joining the insurance, the insurance conditions that apply at any time, the latest insurance notice, the Insurance Agreements Act (2005:104) and Swedish law in general.

Insurance amount - the amount to which the policyholder is entitled in the event of an insurance event.

Insurance notice - the notice that is issued as soon as an insurance policy has been announced or changed and which contains information about the scope and period of validity of the insurance policy, basic rights and obligations regarding the insurance policy and important limitations of the insurance cover.

Insurance event – ​​the event or events/damages that may give the right to compensation through the insurance.

Insurer – the person who has entered into an insurance contract with the policyholder and is obliged to pay insurance compensation in accordance with the insurance contract, i.e. in this case WR Berkley Insurance AG, Svensk Filial, 516410-2070 (“Berkley”).

Insurance period - the time for which the insurance is valid and for which the insurance premium has been paid.

Group representative - the party that has concluded the group agreement with the insurer, i.e. in this case Omocom.

Group agreement - the agreement between the insurer and the group representative that regulates which insurance cover the group members have the opportunity to apply for. A valid group agreement is a prerequisite for it to be possible to conclude individual insurance agreements according to these insurance conditions.

Group member - the person who belongs to a predetermined group who has the right to apply for insurance. In this case, the group consists of everyone who is a customer of the group representative, i.e. Omocom, provided that the customer is permanently resident and registered in Sweden.

Download the fact sheet

The insurance is activated upon payment of the insurance premium. For every kroner paid in premium, an average of kroner 0.72 goes to Omocom, which manages all technical integration on the platform, design of the insurance, customer service and claims settlement. The remaining SEK 0.38 goes to WR Berkley, who is the risk bearer.