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We are now at Re-Store - for a lower carbon footprint!

We are now at Re-Store - for a lower carbon footprint!

Refurbly can now proudly announce that we are at the Re-Store

Refurbly is now available at Re-Store long side great company such as Sellpy , M - Volvo Car Mobility , CAKE , Transparent, Holy Greens and more!

But what exactly is Re-Store? Re–Store is a digital platform that connects carbon-conscious consumers and brands.

The goal is to help consumers make more educated decisions and reduce their carbon footprint by bringing companies like us together on a platform where we reveal our carbon footprint with full transparency!

How great isn't that?!

How does it work?

Go to to first calculate your carbon footprint.

You then receive tailored offers in four categories: Food, home, transport and shopping.

Choose a category and share your footprint to receive personalized offers for smarter consumption.

Re-store is an initiative of Doconomy

Re-Store is at the forefront and shows the way forward for companies to take their responsibility and help create a more sustainable consumption.

That is why we are proud to be part of the platform.

Re-Store is an initiative of Doconomy

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